CUET UG 2024: Know when the Result and Answer Key will come, here is the update

CUET UG 2024: After the declaration of CUET UG 2024 result, students will be able to download the result from the official website. Let us tell you, first the provisional answer key will be released, after which students will have the opportunity to file objections.

CUET UG Result Date: National Testing Agency (NTA) is conducting Common University Entrance Test Undergraduate (CUET-UG) admission. Students who want to take admission in graduation courses in Central Universities of India are appearing for this entrance exam, Let us tell you, the date of CUET UG was scheduled from May 15 to May 24, but the exam was postponed to May 29 at Silchar, Delhi and a center in Kanpur. After the completion of the exam, this year NTA will release the results of CUET UG on June 30.

Before the CUET UG result, the National Testing Agency will release the answer key for all CUET UG subjects. Once the result is declared, CUET UG candidates can download their marks from the official website and will start their counselling process as per the availability of college and university seats.

Provisional Answer Key to be Uploaded by NTA; Students Can File Objections Within Given Time Limit

The agency will upload a file containing the provisional answer key of the questions on its official website. Students have to file objections against the provisional answer key within the given time limit if they are not satisfied with their answers. Students are advised to file objections within the time limit. After the time limit, the objections filed will be reviewed. The final answer key will then be uploaded on the official website.

NTA Releases New Admit Cards for CUET UG 2024 Exam on May 29 at Delhi and Silchar Centers

Let us tell you, the National Testing Agency (NTA) has released new admit cards for the CUET UG 2024 exam to be held on May 29 at Delhi and Silchar centers. Students appearing for the exam can download their admit cards from

CUET UG Exam on May 15 in Kanpur Postponed to May 29 Due to Wrong Question Papers; NTA Denies Leak Reports

Let us tell you, the CUET UG exam held on May 15 at a center in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh was also postponed to May 29, because wrong question papers were distributed here. After which reports of question paper leak started coming. However, NTA denied the news of paper leak. 

CUET UG Result 2024: When will the CUET UG result be released?

As per the current schedule of NTA, CUET UG result can be released on June 30, 2024. Before this, the candidates will be given a chance to register objections on the CUET UG answer key. On that basis, the CUET UG final answer key will be released. Along with the details of the candidates, CUET 2024 marks will also be released in CUET UG Result 2024. Students can check updates on

CUET UG Answer Key 2024: Why the delay in CUET UG answer key?

The CUET UG exam to be held on May 15, 2024 in all the centers of Delhi was postponed. NTA did not give any concrete reason for this. But it is believed that the CUET exam had to be canceled due to the preparation for the election on May 25. Now this exam will be conducted on May 29. Along with this, due to the disturbance in an examination center in Kanpur, the exam there was also canceled. Now the exam will be held on May 29 at 1 examination center in Kanpur and Delhi. The answer key will be prepared only after that.

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