Allahabad University Announces Results for First Semester Master's Programs


Allahabad University Announces First Semester Results for Multiple Master's Programs

Allahabad University has released the results for the first semester examinations of various Master's programs. The results encompass a broad spectrum of disciplines offered by the university, reflecting the academic achievements of students across different fields of study.

The Master of Science (MSc) programs for Statistics (STA), Agricultural Chemistry (Ag Chem), Agricultural Zoology (Ag Zoo), Applied Geology (App Geology), Biochemistry (Biochem), Anthropology (ANT), Chemistry (CHE), Cognitive Science (Cog Sc), Mathematics (MAT), Materials Science (Mat Sc), Computer Science (Comp Sc), Psychology (PSY), Technology and Development (TAD), Biotechnology (Bio Tech), and Food and Nutrition (FAN) have all declared their semester results.

Similarly, the Master of Arts (MA) programs in Anthropology (ANT), Economics (ECO), Mathematics (MAT), Sociology (SOC), Public Administration (PAI), Technology and Development (TAD), Women's Studies (WS), and Statistics (STA) have also announced their semester outcomes.

Results for MSc and MA Programs Now Available Online

- MSc STA I Sem

- MSc Ag Chem I Sem

- MSc Ag Zoo I Sem

- MSc App Geology I Sem

- MSc Biochem I Sem

- MSc ANT I Sem

- MSc CHE I Sem

- MSc Cog Sc I Sem

- MSc MAT I Sem

- MSc Mat Sc I Sem

- MSc Comp Sc I Sem

- MSc PSY I Sem

- MSc TAD I Sem

- MSc Bio Tech I Sem

- MSc FAN I Sem

- MA ANT I Sem

- MA ECO I Sem

- MA MAT I Sem

- MA SOC. I Sem

- MA PAI I Sem

- MA TAD I Sem

- MA WS I Sem

- MA STA I Sem

- MLS . I Sem

 Enter Course type-- Semester Wise

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Enter Enrollment no

Students can check their results by entering their course type (Semester Wise), roll number, and enrollment number at

Students can access their results through the official website of Allahabad University and respective departmental portals. The university administration advises students to carefully review their results and contact the relevant departments in case of any discrepancies or queries.

For further updates and detailed information, students are encouraged to visit the official website of Allahabad University or reach out to the university administration directly.

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Here is the FEES STRUCTURE of PG COURSES which are provided in Allahabad University

Here is the full video on PGAT Exam Pattern of Allahabad University

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